Our Lodge History
Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, Free and Accepted Masons, is 193 years old. It received its charter on December 11th, 1821.
During these 193 years Tuscarawas Lodge has raised approximately seven hundred of the finest men in the world to the degree of Master Mason. As these men grew into better citizens, through the application and practice of the principles of Freemasonry, the Lodge became an ever stronger and positive force for good in our community.
Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, Free and Accepted Masons, is 193 years old. It received its charter on December 11th, 1821.
During these 193 years Tuscarawas Lodge has raised approximately seven hundred of the finest men in the world to the degree of Master Mason. As these men grew into better citizens, through the application and practice of the principles of Freemasonry, the Lodge became an ever stronger and positive force for good in our community.
For 74 of these 193 years of its existence Tuscarawas Lodge has followed faithfully the tenets of our ancient and honorable fraternity in the same lodge rooms on the third floor of the brick building at 201 N. Tuscarawas Avenue. On June 12th, 1875, the present rooms were leased from William Rickert and Mary Rickert for a term of 99 years at a cost of $450.00, which was paid on that date.
In recent years it has become more and more apparent that Tuscarawas Lodge needed a new home --- a Masonic Temple for members of the various Masonic Orders today and for the generations of Masons to come. Although numerous discussions were held from time to time, over a period of years, to consider ways and means of building a Temple, nothing definite was done until the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was incorporated on May 9th, 1947.
First step in realization of the Lodge’s hopes for a new home came on last January 12th, 1949, when Miss Bertha Deardorff gave to the Temple Building Company a deed for two lots on North Wooster Avenue with the stipulation that these lots must be used as a site for a Masonic Temple and a plaque in the Temple will be inscribed: “The site for this Temple was donated by Miss Bertha E. Deardorff in memory of her father, Upton C. Deardorff.”
All members of Tuscarawas Lodge revere the name of Upton C. Deardorff. He was made a Master Mason 98 years ago --- on November 3rd, 1851. He was a member of our Lodge for 67 years, its Master for five terms, and served as Secretary for 30 years.
As soon as the transfer of the property was completed, officers of the Temple Building Company began careful consideration of the project from every viewpoint. They engaged architects to draw up general plans, which are presented in this brochure. Tentative plans for financing will be presented to the members of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 in the near future.
Actual construction of the Temple is tentatively planned in early summer of 1951. Meanwhile every detailed step will be submitted to the Building Committee of the Temple with the hope that all who love Masonry will take pride in assisting and supporting Dover’s New Masonic Temple.
The History Committee is indebted to Bro. James R. Cappon’s daughter Jennifer L. Cappon, who volunteered her time and services to transcribe and update the Lodge’s history.
In recent years it has become more and more apparent that Tuscarawas Lodge needed a new home --- a Masonic Temple for members of the various Masonic Orders today and for the generations of Masons to come. Although numerous discussions were held from time to time, over a period of years, to consider ways and means of building a Temple, nothing definite was done until the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was incorporated on May 9th, 1947.
First step in realization of the Lodge’s hopes for a new home came on last January 12th, 1949, when Miss Bertha Deardorff gave to the Temple Building Company a deed for two lots on North Wooster Avenue with the stipulation that these lots must be used as a site for a Masonic Temple and a plaque in the Temple will be inscribed: “The site for this Temple was donated by Miss Bertha E. Deardorff in memory of her father, Upton C. Deardorff.”
All members of Tuscarawas Lodge revere the name of Upton C. Deardorff. He was made a Master Mason 98 years ago --- on November 3rd, 1851. He was a member of our Lodge for 67 years, its Master for five terms, and served as Secretary for 30 years.
As soon as the transfer of the property was completed, officers of the Temple Building Company began careful consideration of the project from every viewpoint. They engaged architects to draw up general plans, which are presented in this brochure. Tentative plans for financing will be presented to the members of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 in the near future.
Actual construction of the Temple is tentatively planned in early summer of 1951. Meanwhile every detailed step will be submitted to the Building Committee of the Temple with the hope that all who love Masonry will take pride in assisting and supporting Dover’s New Masonic Temple.
The History Committee is indebted to Bro. James R. Cappon’s daughter Jennifer L. Cappon, who volunteered her time and services to transcribe and update the Lodge’s history.
Pioneer Masonry in Tuscarawas County
Bro. Wright Warner, mentioned in these papers as has been shown was the outstanding leader in Masonry in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, as exemplified in his efforts for and the formation of Tuscarawas Lodge and the resuscitation of the Charter of New Philadelphia Lodge No. 59 to Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, at Dover, Ohio. Bro. Warner received the Masonic Degrees as follows: Entered Apprentice, September 3rd 1810, and FellowCraft degree February 14th 1811, and the Master Mason degree April 2nd 1811, in Union Lodge No. 10 at Oxford, New Hampshire. This Lodge has long since been defunct, at this time undoubtedly very little attention was paid to the Grand Jurisdictions, as he resided in Newbury, Vermont and received the degrees in New Hampshire. (This information was received from the Grand Secretary of New Hampshire May 8th 1933.) It is not known at what time Bro. Warner became a resident of New Philadelphia, Ohio.
Bro. Wright Warner, mentioned in these papers as has been shown was the outstanding leader in Masonry in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, as exemplified in his efforts for and the formation of Tuscarawas Lodge and the resuscitation of the Charter of New Philadelphia Lodge No. 59 to Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, at Dover, Ohio. Bro. Warner received the Masonic Degrees as follows: Entered Apprentice, September 3rd 1810, and FellowCraft degree February 14th 1811, and the Master Mason degree April 2nd 1811, in Union Lodge No. 10 at Oxford, New Hampshire. This Lodge has long since been defunct, at this time undoubtedly very little attention was paid to the Grand Jurisdictions, as he resided in Newbury, Vermont and received the degrees in New Hampshire. (This information was received from the Grand Secretary of New Hampshire May 8th 1933.) It is not known at what time Bro. Warner became a resident of New Philadelphia, Ohio.
Bro. Upton C. Deardorff
Bro. Warner was not the only outstanding Masonic light Tuscarawas County. Bro. Upton C. Deardorff the writer of the first history of our Lodge was also a Master Mason November 3rd 1849, and served our Lodge in the following capacities, Jr. Steward 1 year, Jr. Deacon 1 year, Sr. Deacon 6 years, Treasurer 3 years, Jr. Warden 2 years, and Worshipful Master 5 years and Secretary 34 years of which 24 years were consecutive, and succeeded the writer as Worshipful Master of our Lodge in 1917, and went to the Grand Lodge meeting at Dayton, Ohio that year claiming the honor of being the oldest Worshipful Master of a Lodge in the United States, and we think that he was justified in making this claim, he being in his 90th year.
In reading over the records of our Lodge we find many interesting items or orders. On January 10th, 1845, the investigating committee on the petitions of J. Pettis, reported favorable, the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees were conferred the same evening. Beginning June 3rd, 1848 all applicants for the degrees must sign a petition, previous to that time the names were presented by some member of the Lodge and the investigating committees were then appointed.
January 29th, 1849 the fees were increased to $20.00 divided as follows, $10.00 - $5.00 - and $5.00. April 3rd 1859 New Philadelphia Lodge was invited to exemplify the new work, which was done on April 30th 1859.
In looking over the records as to where the Lodge held its meetings, we find that the first one was held at the residence of Bro. Jacob S. Sterling, North Corner 2nd and Cherry Streets, March 8th 1845. On this date a resolution was presented as follows: -- that the present meetings would be held at the home of Bro. Sterling. (this was the home of Bros. Jos. H. Streb’s grandfather.) then a few at the home of Bro. Kaltenbaugh (cannot locate where this residence was). Thence to Bros. Wilhelmi’s Building opposite the Hotel Dover, then to the building diagonally across from the Hotel, this building now stands on the corner of 2nd and Walnut Streets. Then back to the Wilhelmi Building. In 1866 Bro. Wilhelmi decided to sell the building. On December 22nd the present room was rented from Ricksecker, Hildt and Rickert for $11.00 per quarter year. This continued until April 3rd 1875, when Bro. Marti (Uncle of Bro. Ed Schoelles) agreed to build the 3rd story on a building that he was about to erect for $1200., if the Lodge could raise $500.00 (this building is now occupied by Bro. Helmkamp) on May 1st the building committee reported that being unable to raise the necessary $500. They had purchased the present room from Wm. Rickert for ninety-nine (99) years for $450.00. This lease is dated June 12, 1875.
January 29th, 1849 the fees were increased to $20.00 divided as follows, $10.00 - $5.00 - and $5.00. April 3rd 1859 New Philadelphia Lodge was invited to exemplify the new work, which was done on April 30th 1859.
In looking over the records as to where the Lodge held its meetings, we find that the first one was held at the residence of Bro. Jacob S. Sterling, North Corner 2nd and Cherry Streets, March 8th 1845. On this date a resolution was presented as follows: -- that the present meetings would be held at the home of Bro. Sterling. (this was the home of Bros. Jos. H. Streb’s grandfather.) then a few at the home of Bro. Kaltenbaugh (cannot locate where this residence was). Thence to Bros. Wilhelmi’s Building opposite the Hotel Dover, then to the building diagonally across from the Hotel, this building now stands on the corner of 2nd and Walnut Streets. Then back to the Wilhelmi Building. In 1866 Bro. Wilhelmi decided to sell the building. On December 22nd the present room was rented from Ricksecker, Hildt and Rickert for $11.00 per quarter year. This continued until April 3rd 1875, when Bro. Marti (Uncle of Bro. Ed Schoelles) agreed to build the 3rd story on a building that he was about to erect for $1200., if the Lodge could raise $500.00 (this building is now occupied by Bro. Helmkamp) on May 1st the building committee reported that being unable to raise the necessary $500. They had purchased the present room from Wm. Rickert for ninety-nine (99) years for $450.00. This lease is dated June 12, 1875.
We learn from the records that on February 19th 1870, that the Tyler was instructed to have the Lodge Room whitewashed on account the approaching visit of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bro. A. H. Newcomb. The Tyler was also ordered to purchase twenty (20) pounds of Tallow Candles at fifteen cents (0.15) per pound for lighting the Lodge room. In order to help Bro. Rider, the Tyler, he being quied aged, the writer many times opened the window and crawled out on the Fire Escape to fasten the Blue Lantern, as a signal to the Brethren that it was the Lodge meeting night, at this time this light could be seen quite a distance as it was the only light high in the Street.
In the Treasurer’s book we find that on May 17th 1889, the Lodge donated $40.00 to the Masonic Home for the purchase of a cow, and on July 28th 1890 they made a second donation of $40.00 for purchase of the second cow.
Then comes a time that some of the Brethren had failed to pay their dues and the Secretary was instructed to have the names of all members who had not paid their dues published in the Iron Valley Reporter, now the Daily Reporter. Other Lodges chartered in Tuscarawas County are Lafayette, (now Lone Star No. 175, Newcomerstown) October 15th 1848, Mt. Mariah (now New Philadelphia No. 177) October 19th 1848, Mystic Tie, No. 194 Uhrichsville July 15th 1850, Port Washington No. 202, Port Washington October 28th 1851, Caldwell No. 330, Bolivar, October 20th, 1860, Cypress No. 614. Strasburg, October 21st, 1909.
History of Tuscarawas Lodge: 1926 to 1975
In the Treasurer’s book we find that on May 17th 1889, the Lodge donated $40.00 to the Masonic Home for the purchase of a cow, and on July 28th 1890 they made a second donation of $40.00 for purchase of the second cow.
Then comes a time that some of the Brethren had failed to pay their dues and the Secretary was instructed to have the names of all members who had not paid their dues published in the Iron Valley Reporter, now the Daily Reporter. Other Lodges chartered in Tuscarawas County are Lafayette, (now Lone Star No. 175, Newcomerstown) October 15th 1848, Mt. Mariah (now New Philadelphia No. 177) October 19th 1848, Mystic Tie, No. 194 Uhrichsville July 15th 1850, Port Washington No. 202, Port Washington October 28th 1851, Caldwell No. 330, Bolivar, October 20th, 1860, Cypress No. 614. Strasburg, October 21st, 1909.
History of Tuscarawas Lodge: 1926 to 1975
The history of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, F. & A. M. revolves around the tremendous effort put forth by the members in the erection of the new home for our lodge. Hours of labor, generous gifts of money, material and equipment cannot be adequately acknowledged. The thanks of all will remain the heritage of those who will continue their devotion and dedication to the principles of Masonry and success of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59. We acknowledge the blessings of the Great Architect of the Universe. Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 met on the third floor of the Hardesty Building, formerly the Ricksecker Building when the ninety-nine (99) year lease was drawn. The lease was signed August 20, 1875 with expiration August 20, 1974. It is interesting to note that the date of the Temple Company authorizing the signing of the contract for the new building was August 20, 1957. The building was located on the northeast corner of Factory Street (now Tuscarawas Avenue) and Second Street in Dover, Ohio. The entire third floor was separated into two (2) rooms. The inside room was the Lodge Room; the outside room was used for a dining room and kitchen. The heat was furnished by a large drum type gas stove in the Lodge room across from the Senior Warden and a small gas stove in the ante room. There was only one (1) gas stove in the dinning room. Two (2) long flights of stairs confronted the people who were using the Lodge room. Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of the Eastern Star, met there also. A family Christmas party was held there until 1939 when the officers decided it too risky to bring children as well as adults to the third floor. During winter weather when the thermometer went down it was quite a chore to hold lodge.
In the late thirties some of the younger members began to consider the possibility of a new place for Lodge and Eastern Star to meet. The mention of such a new place was not met very enthusiastically by senior members as there were some thirty plus years of the ninety-nine (99) year lease left.
On October 29th, 1945 Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 celebrated its 100th anniversary with a dinner in St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church dining hall. Two hundred (200) members heard State Senator Roscoe R. Walcutt of Columbus praised the order for its record of community service. During the 100 years of its existence, 645 men were raised to the degree of Master Mason. The membership at this time was 248.
The Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was incorporated on November 11th, 1946 by Howard Carruthers, P.M., Arthur Beiner, P. M., and Fred Syler, P. M., and the first meeting was on January 19th, 1948 in the lodge room. The first officers of the company were: President, Arthur Beiner, P. M.; Secretary, Nelson D. McMillan; Board Members, E. A. Barthelmeh, Arthur Beiner, P. M., Dr. Brinley Lewis, P. M., H. Stockton Ream, Jr., P. M., John W. Toland, and Nelson D. McMillian. The Advisory Committee appointed were Fred L. Syler, P. M., Robert Meese, P. M., and Tom Adams, P. M. The purpose of the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was to acquire, purchase, erec, own , and control real estate to be used exclusively by the membership of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, F. & A. M., and to accept donation for the purpose of construction and operating a Masonic Temple. In this year a committee made a survey for a possible new location for the Lodge to carry on. With no success it was decided to proceed with plans for a new
temple. In the meantime conversation with Miss Bertha Deardorff, daughter of Bro. Upton C. Deardorff, P. M., revealed that she wished to convey the two (2) lots at the corner of Wooster Avenue and Eighth Street to the lodge. This was to be the memory of her father as this was the family home site, and a plaque was to be installed in the Temple with the inscription “Miss Bertha Deardorff donor of this plot in memory of her father, Upton C. Deardorff”. The Canfield Oil Company at the time held a lease for a gas station on the property and this lease was continued with the income being for Miss Deardorff during the remainder of her life. The deed was given to the Temple Company on January 12th, 1949, and a picture of this event is now in the Temple. Miss Deardorff passed away on October 26th, 1952. The lodge furnished the finances for the initial work of the Temple Company. With the land becoming available a building fund was established, and the first amount raised in 1951. The funds were invested in U. S. bonds until such time as needed.
In 1956 it was necessary to vacate the third floor of the Hardesty Building as the top two (2) floors of the building were condemned. The last meeting to be held in these rooms was on February 15th, 1956. The March meetings were held in the Lodge room of the New Philadelphia Lodge No. 177 in New Philadelphia, Ohio. From April 1956 until April 1958 the meetings were held on the third floor of the K of P Hall located on West Third Street in Dover.
At the Annual meeting of the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company on January 2nd, 1957 Bro. Arthur Beiner, P. M., presented the plans for a new Masonic Temple prepared by Architect Paul Prince. On August 20th, 1957 bids for a new Masonic Temple were opened at a meeting at the home of Bro. Nelson McMillan. President Dewey Keppler was authorized to sign contracts for $105,000 with J. A. Raeder, General Contractor, Porter Plumbing Company, Duncan Electric Company, and Breehl Tin Shop for the building of a new temple consisting of brick veneer, concrete block interior (unfinished), concrete floors, Chrysler air temp heating and air conditioning.
In the late thirties some of the younger members began to consider the possibility of a new place for Lodge and Eastern Star to meet. The mention of such a new place was not met very enthusiastically by senior members as there were some thirty plus years of the ninety-nine (99) year lease left.
On October 29th, 1945 Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 celebrated its 100th anniversary with a dinner in St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church dining hall. Two hundred (200) members heard State Senator Roscoe R. Walcutt of Columbus praised the order for its record of community service. During the 100 years of its existence, 645 men were raised to the degree of Master Mason. The membership at this time was 248.
The Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was incorporated on November 11th, 1946 by Howard Carruthers, P.M., Arthur Beiner, P. M., and Fred Syler, P. M., and the first meeting was on January 19th, 1948 in the lodge room. The first officers of the company were: President, Arthur Beiner, P. M.; Secretary, Nelson D. McMillan; Board Members, E. A. Barthelmeh, Arthur Beiner, P. M., Dr. Brinley Lewis, P. M., H. Stockton Ream, Jr., P. M., John W. Toland, and Nelson D. McMillian. The Advisory Committee appointed were Fred L. Syler, P. M., Robert Meese, P. M., and Tom Adams, P. M. The purpose of the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company was to acquire, purchase, erec, own , and control real estate to be used exclusively by the membership of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, F. & A. M., and to accept donation for the purpose of construction and operating a Masonic Temple. In this year a committee made a survey for a possible new location for the Lodge to carry on. With no success it was decided to proceed with plans for a new
temple. In the meantime conversation with Miss Bertha Deardorff, daughter of Bro. Upton C. Deardorff, P. M., revealed that she wished to convey the two (2) lots at the corner of Wooster Avenue and Eighth Street to the lodge. This was to be the memory of her father as this was the family home site, and a plaque was to be installed in the Temple with the inscription “Miss Bertha Deardorff donor of this plot in memory of her father, Upton C. Deardorff”. The Canfield Oil Company at the time held a lease for a gas station on the property and this lease was continued with the income being for Miss Deardorff during the remainder of her life. The deed was given to the Temple Company on January 12th, 1949, and a picture of this event is now in the Temple. Miss Deardorff passed away on October 26th, 1952. The lodge furnished the finances for the initial work of the Temple Company. With the land becoming available a building fund was established, and the first amount raised in 1951. The funds were invested in U. S. bonds until such time as needed.
In 1956 it was necessary to vacate the third floor of the Hardesty Building as the top two (2) floors of the building were condemned. The last meeting to be held in these rooms was on February 15th, 1956. The March meetings were held in the Lodge room of the New Philadelphia Lodge No. 177 in New Philadelphia, Ohio. From April 1956 until April 1958 the meetings were held on the third floor of the K of P Hall located on West Third Street in Dover.
At the Annual meeting of the Dover Masonic Temple Building Company on January 2nd, 1957 Bro. Arthur Beiner, P. M., presented the plans for a new Masonic Temple prepared by Architect Paul Prince. On August 20th, 1957 bids for a new Masonic Temple were opened at a meeting at the home of Bro. Nelson McMillan. President Dewey Keppler was authorized to sign contracts for $105,000 with J. A. Raeder, General Contractor, Porter Plumbing Company, Duncan Electric Company, and Breehl Tin Shop for the building of a new temple consisting of brick veneer, concrete block interior (unfinished), concrete floors, Chrysler air temp heating and air conditioning.
Ground Breaking Ceremony
On Wednesday evening, August 24th, 1957, with 100 members and friends present Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59, F. & A. M. broke ground for a new Masonic Temple. The opening prayer was given by Bro. Rev. Reinhard Krause, pastor of St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church. Arthur Hannik, president of Dover City council and Worshipful Master of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 turned the first shovel of earth, followed by Mrs. A. J. Whiddon, Worthy Matron of Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, and several other Masons.
On September 15th, 1957 Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 met in special meeting for the purpose of laying the Corner Stone of our new Temple. After the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment the Brethren proceeded to the street where a procession of 125 Masons formed, headed by an escort of Knights Templar of St. Bernard Commandry No. 51. The Procession moved the Temple site where the Ceremony of laying the Corner Stone was carried on under the direction of Right Worshipful Brother Andrew J. White, Jr., Deputy Grand Master, F. & A. M. of Ohio. Some of the content of the Copper Casket in the corner stone are: a list of Past Masters of No. 59, the membership of the Lodge, a candidate Bible, the membership of Eastern Star and an Eastern Star Bible.
Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of the Eastern Star, presented the Temple Building Company a contribution of $5,000.00. They also assumed the responsibility of providing the drapes for the building, equipped the kitchen, and purchased the furniture for the upstairs powder room.
At the first meeting in the new temple on April 16th, 1958, Tuscarawas Chapter No. 38 Royal Arch Masons presented a beautiful new secretary’s desk to Tuscarawas Lodge. Then on May 7th, 1958 Bro. Don McCoy presented the Lodge with a new desk lamp and the Trum Drum Unit of Al Koran Shrine presented a glass top for the secretary’s desk.
At a special meeting on September 8th, 1958 the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Andrew J. White, Jr., assisted by Grand Lodge Officers and Distinguished Masons performed the Ceremony of Dedication of the Lodge hall of the Temple.
On September 15th, 1957 Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 met in special meeting for the purpose of laying the Corner Stone of our new Temple. After the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment the Brethren proceeded to the street where a procession of 125 Masons formed, headed by an escort of Knights Templar of St. Bernard Commandry No. 51. The Procession moved the Temple site where the Ceremony of laying the Corner Stone was carried on under the direction of Right Worshipful Brother Andrew J. White, Jr., Deputy Grand Master, F. & A. M. of Ohio. Some of the content of the Copper Casket in the corner stone are: a list of Past Masters of No. 59, the membership of the Lodge, a candidate Bible, the membership of Eastern Star and an Eastern Star Bible.
Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of the Eastern Star, presented the Temple Building Company a contribution of $5,000.00. They also assumed the responsibility of providing the drapes for the building, equipped the kitchen, and purchased the furniture for the upstairs powder room.
At the first meeting in the new temple on April 16th, 1958, Tuscarawas Chapter No. 38 Royal Arch Masons presented a beautiful new secretary’s desk to Tuscarawas Lodge. Then on May 7th, 1958 Bro. Don McCoy presented the Lodge with a new desk lamp and the Trum Drum Unit of Al Koran Shrine presented a glass top for the secretary’s desk.
At a special meeting on September 8th, 1958 the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Andrew J. White, Jr., assisted by Grand Lodge Officers and Distinguished Masons performed the Ceremony of Dedication of the Lodge hall of the Temple.
At 4:00 P. M. Vesper Service on Sunday, February 8th, 1959 a new organ, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McMillan in memory of Emma Deis McMillan, was dedicated. The spiritual message was brought by Rev. George Parkinson and music was by the Scottish Rite Choir, Valley of Canton. Organist and Choir Director was Philip Hoedel.
On September 2nd, 1959 Bro. Frank Stallard presented the Lodge with two (2) antique chairs that had been in his family for 100 years. These fit in well with other antique furnishings. The chairs for the Master and Wardens and the Altar were built in a furniture factory on the towpath between the Ohio Canal and the Tuscarawas River in the 1800’s. This was the Deis Bissmann Kurtz and Company. The upholstered chairs for members and visitors in the Lodge room came from the old Union Opera House in New Philadelphia, Ohio.
The 1960’s were busy years for many of the members of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59. Ceramic tile was installed on the floors of the rest rooms. During the summer of 1962 the Lodge room was paneled with Marlite Italian Cherry Korelock paneling. Bro. Dale Andreas was in charge of the entire installation of the Korelock paneling. Bro. Andreas mechanical knowledge was of inestimable value and was appreciated to no end.
At the annual Temple Building Company meeting on January 9th, 1963 the mortgage was burned by Tom Adams, P. M. and Nelson McMillan. Approximately 125 members and guests were in attendance.
During the summer of 1963 Huprich Floor Covering Company carpeted the Lodge room. Contributions of $500 each from Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 and Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of Eastern Star, and Bro. Hobe Johnson toward this project were a big help in defraying the cost. The summer of 1964 found some of the brothers busy again -- this time paneling the ante room and preparation room with Marlite American Walnut Korelock.
Bro. Guy Harding constructed a registration desk for use in the ante room and on January 12th, 1965 presented it to the Lodge. In June 1966 Bro. Robert Huprich furnished and installed vinyl floor covering in the lobby. And during that summer some of the lodge members installed Marlite American Walnut Korelock paneling in the lobby, stairway and secretary’s office. Also a partition with double doors was installed inside the front doors with the hope that this would lower the fuel bills.
Bro. David Mackay donated the marble markers used in the East, West, and South in the lodge room.
During the summer of 1967 some of the lodge members used Marlite Colonial Maple Korelock paneling to panel the dining room. Also in October of that year the parking lot was black-topped and later sealed in April 1968.
In the lobby of the temple can be found several Memorial Plaques. At the outset of the fund drive to start the temple it was decided to institute a permanent Memorial Gift Committee. Gifts of certain size were to accord the deceased member’s name to be installed for posterity in a plaque in the temple. In June 1969 the Dover Masonic Temple Endowment Fund was approved and an account was opened at the Reeves Banking and Trust Company. The income from such Memorial Gifts is now placed in this Endowment Fund which remains inviolate and only the income is available for emergency use (not for capital improvements) if needed.
On October 20th, 1971, Worshipful Master, P. J. Kastor presented certificates of appreciation from the Grand Lodge of Ohio to Bro. Tom Adams, P. M. and Bro. Nelson McMillan for their dedicated service to the Lodge in soliciting the funds to retire the debt on the new Temple.
In November 1971 Huprich Floor Covering Company installed carpet in the dining room with Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 and Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of the Eastern Star, each contributing $500 toward the cost. In December 1971, a new piano was purchased for the dining room with contributions from eighteen (18) members.
During the summer months of 1974 and 1975 Bro. George Douds and Bro. William Waldick built and installed storm windows on the inside of all the windows in the Masonic Temple. During the summer of 1975 Bro. Herman Waldick and Bro. William Waldick installed ceramic tile on the floors of the men’s rest rooms.
On January 16th, 1974 Bro. Arthur Hanni, P. M. presented Tuscarawas Lodge with a new Alter Bible. The original Bible had been given to Tuscarawas Lodge on December 27th, 1845 by Christopher Ritter. Bro. Hanni has further distinguished himself and Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 by being coroneted a 33 Degree Mason in Atlantic City on September 25th, 1974. Additionally he was the recipient of the Meritorious Service award conferred by the Ohio Council of Deliberation AASR in 1966. In addition to serving as Worshipful Master two (2) years and Secretary of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 since1960 Bro. Hanni is the director of the 9th degree AASR Valley of Canton. All these distinctions tend to illustrate the selfless dedication of this worker of the craft. His contributions to Free Masonry will not be soon be forgotten.
June 16th,1965, P. Joel Kastor received his Master Mason degree and six (6) years later in 1971 he served the lodge as Worshipful Master. In 1972 he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District and is just now finishing up his three (3) year term. Now that is a lot to accomplish in ten (10) years. Joel is a very personable fellow and when it comes to ritualistic work or just speaking “off the cuff” he is one of the very best.
On September 2nd, 1959 Bro. Frank Stallard presented the Lodge with two (2) antique chairs that had been in his family for 100 years. These fit in well with other antique furnishings. The chairs for the Master and Wardens and the Altar were built in a furniture factory on the towpath between the Ohio Canal and the Tuscarawas River in the 1800’s. This was the Deis Bissmann Kurtz and Company. The upholstered chairs for members and visitors in the Lodge room came from the old Union Opera House in New Philadelphia, Ohio.
The 1960’s were busy years for many of the members of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59. Ceramic tile was installed on the floors of the rest rooms. During the summer of 1962 the Lodge room was paneled with Marlite Italian Cherry Korelock paneling. Bro. Dale Andreas was in charge of the entire installation of the Korelock paneling. Bro. Andreas mechanical knowledge was of inestimable value and was appreciated to no end.
At the annual Temple Building Company meeting on January 9th, 1963 the mortgage was burned by Tom Adams, P. M. and Nelson McMillan. Approximately 125 members and guests were in attendance.
During the summer of 1963 Huprich Floor Covering Company carpeted the Lodge room. Contributions of $500 each from Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 and Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of Eastern Star, and Bro. Hobe Johnson toward this project were a big help in defraying the cost. The summer of 1964 found some of the brothers busy again -- this time paneling the ante room and preparation room with Marlite American Walnut Korelock.
Bro. Guy Harding constructed a registration desk for use in the ante room and on January 12th, 1965 presented it to the Lodge. In June 1966 Bro. Robert Huprich furnished and installed vinyl floor covering in the lobby. And during that summer some of the lodge members installed Marlite American Walnut Korelock paneling in the lobby, stairway and secretary’s office. Also a partition with double doors was installed inside the front doors with the hope that this would lower the fuel bills.
Bro. David Mackay donated the marble markers used in the East, West, and South in the lodge room.
During the summer of 1967 some of the lodge members used Marlite Colonial Maple Korelock paneling to panel the dining room. Also in October of that year the parking lot was black-topped and later sealed in April 1968.
In the lobby of the temple can be found several Memorial Plaques. At the outset of the fund drive to start the temple it was decided to institute a permanent Memorial Gift Committee. Gifts of certain size were to accord the deceased member’s name to be installed for posterity in a plaque in the temple. In June 1969 the Dover Masonic Temple Endowment Fund was approved and an account was opened at the Reeves Banking and Trust Company. The income from such Memorial Gifts is now placed in this Endowment Fund which remains inviolate and only the income is available for emergency use (not for capital improvements) if needed.
On October 20th, 1971, Worshipful Master, P. J. Kastor presented certificates of appreciation from the Grand Lodge of Ohio to Bro. Tom Adams, P. M. and Bro. Nelson McMillan for their dedicated service to the Lodge in soliciting the funds to retire the debt on the new Temple.
In November 1971 Huprich Floor Covering Company installed carpet in the dining room with Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 and Tuscarawas Chapter No. 164, Order of the Eastern Star, each contributing $500 toward the cost. In December 1971, a new piano was purchased for the dining room with contributions from eighteen (18) members.
During the summer months of 1974 and 1975 Bro. George Douds and Bro. William Waldick built and installed storm windows on the inside of all the windows in the Masonic Temple. During the summer of 1975 Bro. Herman Waldick and Bro. William Waldick installed ceramic tile on the floors of the men’s rest rooms.
On January 16th, 1974 Bro. Arthur Hanni, P. M. presented Tuscarawas Lodge with a new Alter Bible. The original Bible had been given to Tuscarawas Lodge on December 27th, 1845 by Christopher Ritter. Bro. Hanni has further distinguished himself and Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 by being coroneted a 33 Degree Mason in Atlantic City on September 25th, 1974. Additionally he was the recipient of the Meritorious Service award conferred by the Ohio Council of Deliberation AASR in 1966. In addition to serving as Worshipful Master two (2) years and Secretary of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 since1960 Bro. Hanni is the director of the 9th degree AASR Valley of Canton. All these distinctions tend to illustrate the selfless dedication of this worker of the craft. His contributions to Free Masonry will not be soon be forgotten.
June 16th,1965, P. Joel Kastor received his Master Mason degree and six (6) years later in 1971 he served the lodge as Worshipful Master. In 1972 he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District and is just now finishing up his three (3) year term. Now that is a lot to accomplish in ten (10) years. Joel is a very personable fellow and when it comes to ritualistic work or just speaking “off the cuff” he is one of the very best.
Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 has been holding an annual fish fry in August for some thirty plus years at Winklepeck’s Grove, Sugarcreek, Ohio. This event is well attended and enjoyed by the brethren and their guests.
For approximately some fifteen (15) years Bro. Victor Kuhn had been presenting the Holy Bible to the newly made Master Masons in a most impressive manner. Victor was also practicing “speculative Masonry” by his tireless spreading sunshine among the shut-in brethren. Also, we want to note here another steadfast brother - Bro. Rudolph Richard who served the lodge as Marshall of the Craft for forty-two (42) years from 1931 to 1973, missing only three (3) Master Mason degrees during that period.
We are indebted to Bro. Tom Adams, P.M. chairman who researched and composed several items used in this history. This history was compiled by the following committee: Tom Adams P.M., Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M., W. Larry Sears, P.M.
History of Tuscarawas Lodge: 1976 to Present
For approximately some fifteen (15) years Bro. Victor Kuhn had been presenting the Holy Bible to the newly made Master Masons in a most impressive manner. Victor was also practicing “speculative Masonry” by his tireless spreading sunshine among the shut-in brethren. Also, we want to note here another steadfast brother - Bro. Rudolph Richard who served the lodge as Marshall of the Craft for forty-two (42) years from 1931 to 1973, missing only three (3) Master Mason degrees during that period.
We are indebted to Bro. Tom Adams, P.M. chairman who researched and composed several items used in this history. This history was compiled by the following committee: Tom Adams P.M., Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M., W. Larry Sears, P.M.
History of Tuscarawas Lodge: 1976 to Present
In 1976 Bro. George Douds presented the display case to the lodge for use in the ante room. Since August of 1981 the annual fish fry has been held at the Masonic Temple Dining Room. Pryor to that it was held at Winkelpleck Grove in Sugarcreek, Ohio near the golf course.
Bro. Frank Caputo paid for the grandfather clock for use in the ante room in 1984. In March of 1989 Bro. Dr. Frank Caputo gave the lodge $10,000.00 to establish the Dr. Frank Caputo Masonic Scholarship Fund. Each year since have contributed $1,000.00 to the fund.
A new furnace and air condition unit were installed at the cost of $11,538.00 in the year of 1986. Thanks to the contributions of the Brethren, in 1992 the elevator was installed in the Masonic Temple. New carpet was installed in the social hall in 1994 by Farnsworth Carpet Co. of Canal Fulton.
Bro. Frank Caputo paid for the grandfather clock for use in the ante room in 1984. In March of 1989 Bro. Dr. Frank Caputo gave the lodge $10,000.00 to establish the Dr. Frank Caputo Masonic Scholarship Fund. Each year since have contributed $1,000.00 to the fund.
A new furnace and air condition unit were installed at the cost of $11,538.00 in the year of 1986. Thanks to the contributions of the Brethren, in 1992 the elevator was installed in the Masonic Temple. New carpet was installed in the social hall in 1994 by Farnsworth Carpet Co. of Canal Fulton.
Lodge Room
In 1995 Hicks Roofing Co. of New Philadelphia installed a new rubberized roof at the cost of $17,700.00. On May 6th, 1996 The By-Laws of Tuscarawas Lodge No. 59 F. & A. M. was changed to have one meeting a month on the third Wednesday of the month. June of 1998 a sprinkler system and new lawn were installed. In November Miceli Glass Co. installed new glass doors.
December 15th, 1999 meetings were changed to the first Wednesday of each month. In November 2002 Glass Blocks replaced the eight large windows in the dinning room at the cost of $9,867.00. In April 2005 $1,880.00 was used to buy 20 round tables and 2 table racks. On April 18th, 2006 a two door reach-in cooler and banquet chairs were purchased in the amount of $4,500.00. April 7th, 2007 stacking chairs were purchased for $280.00.
On November 5th, 2007 Right Worshipful Bro. W. Larry Sears was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District.
December 15th, 1999 meetings were changed to the first Wednesday of each month. In November 2002 Glass Blocks replaced the eight large windows in the dinning room at the cost of $9,867.00. In April 2005 $1,880.00 was used to buy 20 round tables and 2 table racks. On April 18th, 2006 a two door reach-in cooler and banquet chairs were purchased in the amount of $4,500.00. April 7th, 2007 stacking chairs were purchased for $280.00.
On November 5th, 2007 Right Worshipful Bro. W. Larry Sears was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District.
In March of 2008 all the lights were replaced in the dining hall. This was made possible by the generous contributions of the Brethren. The cost of the lights was approximately $48.00 each. They were installed by members of the Lodge. On March 11, 2008 an emergent meeting of the Temple Co. was held to discuss and take estimates for new furnaces. The old ones gave out after 22 years. On March 17, 2008 Sugarcreek Heating began installing a complete new heating and air condition system at a cost of almost $21,000.00 dollars.
Tuscarawas Lodge #59 is indebted to Bro. Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M. Chairman, for all his time and effort in bringing our lodge history up to date. This history was put together by the following committee: Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M., W. Larry Sears, D.D.G.M. and Michael E. Lengler, Worshipful Master.
Tuscarawas Lodge #59 is indebted to Bro. Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M. Chairman, for all his time and effort in bringing our lodge history up to date. This history was put together by the following committee: Roy C. Humrighouse, P.M., W. Larry Sears, D.D.G.M. and Michael E. Lengler, Worshipful Master.